Flash's Quarters

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Meow
Ixtlilton 11 409 by Kitten King
Aug 19, 2012 14:39:49 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Unlock My Secrets
Kitten King 33 1,167 by Ixtlilton
Sept 26, 2011 22:05:29 GMT -5


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Flash's Quarters
While most of the staff have quarters on the ground floor, rather bunched together, the electrician was able to finagle himself a tower room - it was closer to the thunderstorms, when they rolled in. It's smaller, with a typically unmade bed shoved sideways under the window, filling up the outcrop. There's a fairly unused desk on the left wall, and a small round table on the right side of the room, with a small, golden picture frame on it. An open box with blankets inside and a dip cut in the front is placed under the bed, for a certain feline companion. There's a pair of hooks on the right wall, where a toolbelt and worn messenger bag usually hang. A guiter sits in a corner, severely beaten up and mysteriously missing a chunk, barely touched in quite some time.
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